Role of the Women’s and Children’s Specialist Domestic Violence Worker
The role of the Women’s and Children’s Specialist Domestic Violence Worker (the worker) is to provide timely and effective secure, supported crisis accommodation and trauma informed case management to clients.
She will have a commitment to inclusive feminist social justice principles and will use her knowledge and skills to contribute to the crisis response for women escaping domestic violence, and to their children as unique clients. Through collaborative practice with other organisations, she will also contribute to prevention and early intervention responses. The worker will be responsible for providing flexible, responsive direct client service provision promoting client safety, well-being and self-determination. Support work will be performed in a holistic, trauma informed and family centered way by applying the practice of strengths-based case management principles. She will be expected to work across the following levels:
- Individual client level; attending to the needs of the client (Women and Children).
- Organisational level; advocating with external organisations.
- Societal level; advocating for change at a government and policy level.
- Personal level; ensuring that their practice is ethical, attending to factors of discrimination and not reproducing inequitable gender norms.
Workers can assist you and your children to access services that will support you needs with:
- Long-term housing
- Financial matters
- Personal safety
- Health care
- Employment, and
- Education
Practical support such as transport and attending appointments with you will also be offered.
Workers provide care and understanding to you and your children around your family’s emotional and mental wellbeing.
Assistance and advocacy is offered to support you and your children to access counselling and other specialist services relevant to your family’s needs.