Phone: 02 6230 6900
Postal: PO Box 355 Dickson ACT 2602
Beryl Women Inc. 02 6230 6900 (9am–5pm)
OneLink (link to each) 1800 176 468
DVCS 02 6280 0900
Doris Women’s Refuge 02 6278 9999
YCWA 02 6185 2000
Toora 02 6247 2399
Everyman 02 6230 6999
Emergency contacts
Ambulance from mobile phone 112
Poisons Information 13 11 26
Contacts non-emergency
Ambulance (02) 6200 4126 (general enquiries)
Police 131 444 (assistance) or (02) 6256 7777 (general enquiries)
Taxi 13 22 27 or 13 92 87 (wheel chair)
Beryl Information Booklet (September 2021)
Beryl Women Inc. (02) 6230 6900
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre (02) 6247 2525
National Coronavirus Helpline 1800 029 080
COVID–19 Health (02) 6207 7244
Domestic Violence Crisis Service (02) 6280 0900 (24 hours)
DVCS Helpline 1800 737 732
Health Direct Australia (02) 6207 7777 or 1800 022 222 free call
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Lifeline 13 11 14
Mental Health Crisis Team 1800 629 354 (02) 6205 1065 (triage 24hrs)
Multicultural Women’s Advocacy ACT (02) 6230 4632
Parent Helpline 1800 171 882
Relationships Australia 1300 364 277
Relationships Australia for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders (02) 6122 7100
(also offers outreach)
Youth line (02) 6257 2375
Victims Support Services 1800 822 272
Women’s Health Centre – Civic (02) 5124 1787
Women’s Legal Centre (02) 6257 4377
Bulk billing Doctors
Please note that you will generally need to have a health care or pension card to be bulk billed and always ask when making the appointment.
Belconnen Community Health Centre (02) 6207 9977
Belconnen Medical Centre (02) 6251 8898
Women’s Health Centre (02) 5124 1787
Dickson Health Centre (02) 5124 9977
Deakin Medical Centre (02) 6285 2500
National DV helpline 1800 RESPECT
Ginninderra Medical & Dental Centre (02) 6112 7111
Mental Health Crisis Team (02) 6205 1065 or 1800 629 354
Gungahlin Medical Centre (02) 6255 0888
Winnunga Nummityjah (02) 6201 5343
Aboriginal Health Service (02) 6284 6222
headspace Canberra (02) 6201 5343
Health Direct Australia (02) 6207 7777 or 1800 022 222
National Home Doctor Service ACT 13 74 25
Sexual Health and Family Planning (02) 6247 3077
Phillip Medical & Dental Centre (02) 6112 7000
Women’s Centre for Health Matters (02) 6290 2166
Women’s Health Service ACT (02) 5124 1787